Sahib Nazari


Age: 35
Ethnicity: Hazara
Occupation and/or Company: Writer
Years of experience: 10 years

Personal & professional philosophy:
Never give up in the face of hardship.

Upcoming performances/project:
Publishing a collection of short stories.

What is the highlight of your work?
Writing is not a job for me; it’s a dream.

Future goals:
To continue surprising myself and everyone else.

Project brief/Teaser:
‘Kochi’ chronicles a coincidental meeting between a Pashtun girl of Afghan background who brings her sick mother to a hospital where she meets a Hazara boy (also Afghan) who is working as a lab assistant in pathology. The hospital is located in Quetta city in Pakistan but is entirely dedicated to Afghan refugees and run by Afghan staff. In this brief encounter, they experience life from a new perspective. Hope inflames a new feeling, but it is short-lived, and loss finds meaning, and their world changes once and forever in a single afternoon.