Leonard Chan


Age: 41
Ethnicity: Mostly Chinese
Occupation: Writer, comedian, cat dad
Years of experience: Not Enough

Personal & professional philosophy:
Work hard, be generous, be funny

Upcoming performances/ project:
My first comedy album. I wrote a musical to put on stage next year that will tour across the country.

What is the highlight of your work:
Developing my craft to a point where I can write jokes about sensitive topics and still be funny. Accomplishing enough that my parents no longer think this is a horrible career decision. Now it’s only questionable.

Future goals:
Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and a Tony. But failing that, I just want to be great at what I do. That’s the only goal that really matters to me.

Official Spokesperson for Gay, Super Cute Asians
Sharing the Gaysian perspective on sports, life and trending topics. Founder of Comedy Cares. Creator of RICE – Asian Comedy Showcase.