Pedro Chamale

pedro-chamale-headshotAge: 31
Ethnicity: Latino Canadian
Occupation and/or Company: co-artistic director of rice & beans theatre. Performer, director and playwright.

Personal & professional philosophy: I love to collaborate on theatre. It can be on the stage as an actor or behind the scenes making sure everything is working at its best. Theatre should speak to who we are as humans, it should connect us and reveal other sides of the world around us.

Upcoming performances/ project: 食盡天下/A Taste of Empire in association with Gateway Theatre’s Pacific Festival, September 15th – 17th, 2016.

What is the highlight of your work?
Definitely being able to tell the stories we tell in a way that not only satisfies us but engages audiences in interesting ways. Being a part of the 2016 rEvolver festival and writing a play that has both English and Spanish in it. As well as all the times that Derek and I have a had the chance to co-create works together.

Future goals: To continue developing the work that rice & beans creates and to maybe one day bring it to the rest of Canada and beyond!